- This is the circuit diagram of a low cost metal detector using a single transistor circuit and an old pocket radio.This is nothing but colpitts oscillator working in the medium band frequency and a radio tuned to the same frequency.
- First the radio and the circuit are placed close.Then the radio is tuned so that there is no sound from radio.
- In this condition the radio and the circuit will be in same frequency and same frequencies beat off to produce no sound.
- When the metal detector circuit is placed near to a metal object the inductance of its coil changes , and so do the frequency of oscillations.Now the two frequency will be different , there will be no canceling and radio produces a hissing sound.The metal is detected.
- To make L1 make 60 turns of 36SWG enameled Copper wire on a 1 cm PVC tube.
- Powering the circuit using a adapter rather than a battery induces noise. It is always good to power radio projects from battery.